matthias jungが超現実的な、そして構造上不可能な家庭のモンタージュを作ります
matthias jung makes montages of surreal and structurally impossible homesthrough a collaged mix of architectural elements, photography and landscape imagery, designer matthias jung dreams up his ‘surreal houses’ series, comprising colorful and whimsical residences, apartments and skyscrapers.
建築物のエレメント、写真撮影と風景比喩的描写のコラージュを通して、デザイナーmatthias jungがカラフルで、そしてこっけいな住宅、アパート、超高層ビルを構成する彼の「超現実的な家」シリーズを考え出します。
matthias jung makes montages of surreal and structurally impossible homesパリとビトリにいるブラジルの芸術家L7mの新しい素晴らしいスプレーで描かれた鳥//フランス
New Gorgeous Spray-Painted Birds by Brazilian Artist L7m in Paris & Vitry // FranceAs usual with the prolific Brazilian street artist, he combines geometrical elements and stylised colour puzzles with detailed realism.
New Gorgeous Spray-Painted Birds by Brazilian Artist L7m in Paris & Vitry // FranceAakash Nihalaniの投影アートが人間の相互作用で生活を飛び上がらせる
Aakash Nihalani’s Projection Art Springs to Life with Human InteractionIn this exciting new series, cubic designs are projected onto a white wall, becoming an interactive canvas for the viewer. Using coding and motion software, a sensor picks up the viewer’s hand movement on the projected design and, in real time, changes the overall look of the piece.
Aakash Nihalani’s Projection Art Springs to Life with Human Interactionファインアートフォトグラフィー by Ángela Burón
Fine Art Photography by Ángela BurónÁngela Burón is a talented Spanish photographer and digital artist, who shoot a lot of surreal and conceptual photography.
あまりに猫が気になったので紹介。おしゃれな感じの写真です。撮影者の方のブログ→Obligo a fumar a todos mis amigos
Fine Art Photography by Ángela Burón手でカットされた紙の彫刻 by Nahoko Kojima
Hand-Cut Paper Sculptures by Nahoko KojimaJapan-based paper artist Nahoko Kojima creates intricate sculptures cut from just one sheet of paper that depict animals, textures, and natural phenomenon.
日本のペーパーアーティストNahoko Kojimaは動物、テクスチャと自然現象を描写するのに1枚の紙から切り取られた複雑な彫刻を作ります。
Hand-Cut Paper Sculptures by Nahoko Kojima有名な絵のモデルが現実で想像されます by Flora Borsi
Models of Famous Paintings in Real Life Imagined by Flora BorsiHungary-based 19-year-old photographer Flora Borsi created a series of photographs called Real Life Models where she imagines how would models of distorted paintings look like if they were this way in the real life.
ハンガリーの19歳のカメラマン、Flora Borsiは歪曲された絵のモデルがどのようだっただろうかと想像し、現実のモデルがこのように本当の生活の中にいたならというシリーズを作りました。
Models of Famous Paintings in Real Life Imagined by Flora Borsi