25 Best Free Infographic ElementsInfographics are the visual representation of information, in other words pleasing representation of information in a graphical way to help simplify complex solutions.
25 Best Free Infographic Elements14枚の円だけでデザインされたミニマル映画ポスター
14 Minimal Movie Posters Designed Using Only CirclesDesigner Nick Barclay explores the limits of visual metaphors by creating extremely minimal movie posters that consist of only circles.
デザイナーNick Barclayは、サークルだけから成り立つミニマルな映画ポスターを作成することによって、視覚に訴える比喩(メタファー)の限界を探究します。
14 Minimal Movie Posters Designed Using Only Circlesテクスチャーを活用した30のクリエイティブな名刺
30 Creative Examples Of Textured Business CardsMostly people use their visual sense to notice a business card, but what if you can expand the scope of your business card. Textured business cards have the advantage of being noticed not only through vision but also through touch.
人々が名刺に注意を向けさせるのに視覚に訴えるセンスを使いまが、もしあなたが名刺のスコープを広げることができるなら。 テクスチャ名刺が視力を通してだけではなく、感触を通して注意されるという長所を持っています。
30 Creative Examples Of Textured Business Cards15枚のクリエイティブでユニークな名刺デザイン
15 Creative and Unique Business Cards Design (Print Ready)Usually business cards are simple – black text on white background – including just main information and company’s logotype, but there are many other creative business cards standing out and really taking attention.
通常の名刺は単純です。- 白い背景に黒い文字 -単にメインの情報と企業のロゴがあるだけですが、他に多くのクリエイティブな名刺があると、目立って本当に関心を払います。
15 Creative and Unique Business Cards Design (Print Ready)トランプアート - Kickstarterから21のテーマカードデザイン
Art of Playing Cards—21 Themed Card Designs from KickstarterThe predecessor of the standard 52-card deck, tarot cards, were developed in the middle of the 15th century in Europe. In the 18th century through the present, these cards have been used by mystics for fortune-telling and divination.
Art of Playing Cards—21 Themed Card Designs from Kickstarter30の素晴らしい空押しエンボスの名刺デザイン
30+ Incredible Examples Of Blind Deboss Business Card DesignsFor this post, we have collected some of the best Blind Deboss Business Card designs for you to see and observe at your convenience.
Blind Debossは型押しデボス、空押しエンボスなど日本語での言い方に幅がありますが、一般にエンボス(凹ませる)の方をさします。
30+ Incredible Examples Of Blind Deboss Business Card Designs