セルフィーアームで友人といる振りをしてください by aric snee & justin crowe
pretend to have a friend with the selfie arm by aric snee & justin crowe“selfie arm” is made of fiberglass, is lightweight and portable, and fortunately only a prototype.
pretend to have a friend with the selfie arm by aric snee & justin croweScott Summitによって作られた驚くべき義足
Astonishing Artificial Limbs Created By Scott SummitMaybe using the word “astonishing” as an adjective for the following artificial limbs was not the smartest choice, since when a person has an artificial limb usually implies that he or she was involved in an unfortunate event. But if we manage to take the best from the worst situation, these artificial limbs are definitely pieces of art that will bring a drop of joy in the life of suffering people.
Astonishing Artificial Limbs Created By Scott Summitスナップボタンプロジェクト
Snap Button ProjectSnap Button Project is an art started by Shige Hasegawa that’s about folded animals with fixed buttons.These animals are made of 0.1 mm thick wooden sheets that make it easy to play with.
スナップボタンプロジェクトはShige Hasegawaによって始められ固定されたボタンで組まれた動物についてのアートです。これらの動物は容易に扱えるように0.1ミリの厚い木製のシートから作られています。
Snap Button ProjectTitses
TitsesThe aim of the project Titses milk is to attract mens’ attention to the product that is so loved by women,but is often overlooked by a strong half of the population.
プロジェクトTitses milkの目的は、女性たちによって好まれるが半分の人たちから見落とされる製品に対して、男性の注意を引き付けることです。
TitsesIris Lamps:調整可能な照明
Iris Lamps: Adjustable LightingThe Iris lamp transforms at the touch of a hand to create a beautiful atmosphere of light that will wow any guest.
The Iris lampはどんなゲストでも驚かせるだろう光の美しい雰囲気を作るために手を触れ触れ変形させることができます。
Iris Lamps: Adjustable Lightingギフトアイデア – サムライアンブレラ
Idée cadeau – Le parapluie SamuraïVoilà une idée qui va faire plaisir à ceux et celles qui aime la culture Samouraï.