



20 Best Admin Dashboard Templates 20のベストな管理ダッシュボードテンプレート Do you need an admin dashboard for your site or your client’s website? Don’t waste time on designing it from scratch when you can use one of these best admin dashboard templates! These premium admin dashboard templates have modern designs, some even follow the latest flat design trends, and are premium coded!
Choose one of these admin dashboard template and customize it as you please! Here they are!


※フリーテンプレートではないです。お気に入りはFlatLabとSe7enです。棒グラフの頭を少し丸くする発想は自分にはありませんでしたが、ちょっとおしゃれでなかなか良いですね。実際に使う場合は20ドルくらいですが、記事元で画像クリック後Live Previewをクリックすると実際のページを確認できます。チャートのある資料のデザインの参考にも良さそうです。

20 Best Admin Dashboard Templates


45 Free Popup, Alert Window, Notification, Photoshop Designs 45のポップアップ、Alertウィンドウ、通知、無料Photoshopデザイン Here we are sharing some high quality and free to download PSD files of notification, popup and alert windows. Adobe Photoshop is a wonderful software and has been used widely all across the world. Adobe Photoshop is the first thing that comes to our mind whenever we think about photo editing and image manipulation. However, it is not that easy to learn the software and is extremely hard to master. But to ease the learning process, there is a wide variety of different tutorials, articles and other such resources. Free downloadable PSDs is also one of these useful resources that lets you understand how other people work on Photoshop. Moreover, it saves your time and effort as well.
In this round up, you will find 45 free notification, popup and alert windows PSD files that will be useful in your design project. We hope that you will like this collection. Enjoy!

ここでは、いくつかの高品質でフリーな通知、ポップアップアラートウィンドウのPSDファイルをダウンロードしできます。Adobe Photoshopは素晴らしいソフトウェアであり、世界中で広く使用されています。

Air Growl ThemeとかCloud Growlみたいなデザインはだいぶ減った感じですが、個人的には今でも好きなデザインです。Information Hintの何か起きてる感じもわかりやすくていいですね。

45 Free Popup, Alert Window, Notification, Photoshop Designs


30 Free Stunning Website Templates 30のすてきなのフリーウェブサイトテンプレート While creating a website, one of the most important aspects of it is finding a proper template. And of course, the most reasonable solution would be to buy one, but sometimes there’s no need to rush things up.Sometimes you can find a decently looking (and what more importantly – functional) website template absolutely for free.



30 Free Stunning Website Templates


Crucial Design Elements that Every UI Kit Needs 重要なデザイン要素すべてのUIキットのニーズ For this post I’d like to explain some underlying concepts that can be used to construct an enticing user interface kit. Some designers like to release these as freebies while others create them solely for project work. Either way the process turns out exactly the same and once you learn how it all works you’ll fall in love with UI kit design. And like the great Ella Fitzgerald often asked: why shouldn’t we fall in love?


Soft UI Kitがきれいにまとまっていて使いやすそうなデザインです。これくらいの細いベタの影は落ち着きます。

Crucial Design Elements that Every UI Kit Needs


PixelKit Announces Giveaway – 3 Premium UI Kit Memberships Up for Grabs PixelKitプレゼントのお知らせ PixelKit Announces Giveaway – 3 Premium UI Kit Memberships Up for Grabs.Looking for a great UI kit that works perfectly for your designing needs?Your wait is over. We’ve got just what you need right here.


PixelKitcomのプレミアムメンバーシップのプレゼント企画です。基本的にこういう記事は扱わない予定なのですが、好きなデザインがあったので紹介。HTMLバージョンは会員専用ですが、フリーサンプルのPSDファイルがダウンロードできます。DOWNLOAD FREE SAMPLEをクリックした後にfacebookやtwitterで広めて!というようなことがでますが、特にシェアしないとダウンロードできないというわけではありません。

PixelKit Announces Giveaway – 3 Premium UI Kit Memberships Up for Grabs


Live Font Interpolation on the Web ウェブ上のライブフォント補間 We all want to design great typographic experiences. We also want to serve users on an increasing range of devices and contexts. But today’s webfonts tie our responsive sites and applications to inflexible type that doesn’t scale. As a result, our users get poor reading experiences and longer loading times from additional font weights.



Live Font Interpolation on the Web


